Saturday 23 June, 2007

"". 1

“Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,

Smiles awake when you rise.

Sleep pretty, wanton,

do not cry,

And I will sing a lullaby.”

-Thomas Dekker
(English writer and Dramatist, 1570-1632)

I read the quote above, in the unlikeliest of places. It was inscribed on the roof of a JC Penney store in Huntsville, Alabama.I must admit, the excruciating hours that are spent in shopping were made a whole lot more exciting, looking in every nook and cranny of the store for different quotations, ranging from Einstein to Kennedy to Jim Morrison to Scandinavian folk lore.

Perhaps, to the store it was just another way to make people look around, because as someone said, advertising is the business of grabbing someone's attention long enough to extract money out of it. However it served another purpose of keeping me distracted enough not to do my job. The one of dragging my sister out of the store.

Though, I confess i failed in my righteous endeavour, as I ended up with a shirt costing $30. Which I had not required when I entered the shop, but while exiting was convinced it was the one miraculous thing in this world that would give me salvation.

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