Friday 22 June, 2007

The beginning of the (cliched) end

Unbidden stranger thou art not welcome. If thou persists be warned. What follows are the random ramblings of a person in the search of himself, of perfection, of love, and of so many more things....

Each as if it is the San Greal (thanks to dan brown) itself, the difference being, instead of the chalice, everything that Jesus touched are the holiest of holies. And be sure, I am not Percivale, perhaps more like Merlin, though with no power to foretell the future. So, he just tries to better understand his surroundings by observing and scrutinizing the past, the present and everything in between leaving nothing sacrosanct.

So, expect everything except anything of importance. I am no saint, druid or magician. Neither, am I an artist. This is just an outlet for digressions of someone just like you trying to live the illusion called LIFE.

as a precaution
Just remember not everything is a coincidence :)

1 comment:

P said...

nice blog... who all know abt ur blog??? neways... keep writin :)